Publication details

Akademická integrace do studia : Pohled první generace vysokoškolských studentů na své vyučující

Title in English Academic integration into the study : the ßirst-generation view of university teachers


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogicka orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation VENGŘINOVÁ, Tereza. Akademická integrace do studia : Pohled první generace vysokoškolských studentů na své vyučující (Academic integration into the study : the βirst-generation view of university teachers). Pedagogicka orientace. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022, vol. 32, No 3, p. 152-177. ISSN 1211-4669. Available from:
Keywords integration into study period; academic integration; first-generation university students; university teachers
Description In the Czech environment, the most frequently represented group of newly entering university students are graduates of secondary schools who are continuing their education path. For these students, the beginning of their studies represents a new life stage and a significant change. They come from the controlled secondary education system to the tertiary system, where education becomes their responsibility. Students deal with this responsibility depending on individual attributes, prior schooling, and their family background. The family background may prove problematic in the case of ßirst-generation students. These are students whose parents or siblings have no experience in tertiary education and cannot advise a newly entering student on how a university works. For this reason, they seek the necessary information elsewhere, e.g. from their teachers. This study aims to describe and explain how ßirst-generation novice students perceived the role of university teachers during their academic integration into the university system. Moreover, the closure of universities in the 2020/2021 academic year presents a unique opportunity to look at the role of Higher education institutions in two very different settings, both during online teaching and after the transition to contact teaching. In order to fulfil the aim, a qualitative research investigation was conducted in the form of repeated interviews with first-generation students who started their first university studies in the academic year 2020/2021. The study results show that university teachers can, in the eyes of ßirst-generation novice students, ßind themselves in the role of the so-called guide to academic integration, which is the case when they choose effective forms of communication.
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