Publication details

Sustainable Development and Chemistry Education

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Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The Framework Education Program for Primary and Secondary Schools in Czech Republic puts increased demands on the training of chemistry teachers. Students must understand their interpretation not only of the nature of the subject being taught, but also of the broader context, especially in the relationship between chemistry and society and the environment. The program also calls for the guidance of students to scientific thinking and phenomena exploration through experiments. On the other hand, such experiments must be safe (for people and environment), in accordance with valid legislation. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the possibilities of Sustainable Development and Green Chemistry. To cover this question, the thesis is divided into two parts: the first concerns if--and how--it is possible to apply the principles of Sustainable Development in practice (including nature education). This question is dealt with in subsequent chapters where concrete examples are presented. The next parts introduce the options for primary (secondary) school students‘ motivations towards adopting the doctrine of sustainable development. In this respect, many of the current learning texts are inadequate, as their focus is too narrow and many phenomena are not explained in relation to the outside world and experimental results. The work should serve as an inspiration for primary or secondary school educators for sustainable development and green chemistry education.
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