Publication details

What is the Attitude of Future Teachers to Digital Teaching/Learning?



Year of publication 2017
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Future teachers or beginning teachers in the age under 30 years (Generation Y and Z) since their childhood could use any information and communication technologies (ICT) without major objective obstacles. Their adolescence was influenced by the presence of this technique yet. Gradually they were educated by the ICT. Generations that come after them, they know only the on-line connected world or life with ICT (Generation X and/or Alfa). Both previous groups will co-operate as teacher – student. This can cause a problem because two generations with different perception of on-line world and different level of digital literacy meet. School is a place of the co-operation and the encounter of these groups in the teaching-learning process. Moreover, the irreplaceable role is dedicated to the school system created by the previous-step generation (Baby Boomers). It is therefore necessary to know how effective such classic institutional educational system is. When looking at the current competencies of graduates of all school levels we must state that the society consider them as insufficient. We judge it by the results of the research studies and by the experiences of students’ self-education. Our investigation shows that undergraduate students consider them less attractive. The digital technologies are currently implemented in the school, but the level of integration is not so pronounced as if they imagined their parents or the children/youngster themselves. The society tends towards teaching/learning activities that will actively develop existing knowledge and skills of students using digital environment. In the paper we present some results of the research study presenting attitude of future teachers to digital teaching/learning. In addition we made a research on the current generation of future teachers in relation to the digital world in the Czech Republic. The DOI number of the abstract on the conference pages is: doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.2392

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