Publication details

Rytą ar ryte? Vakarą ar vakare? Paros dalis išreiškiančių laiko išraiškų tekstyno analizė

Title in English Rytą or ryte? Vakarą or vakare? Corpus analysis of time expressions expressing parts of the day."


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description This paper therefore aims to present the work with the corpus (DLKT) to reveal the nuances in the use of the accusative case and locative case in temporal expressions – parts of the day (rytas 'morning', diena 'day', vakaras 'evening', naktis 'night'). I will present the results of an analysis I have performed on the corpus data. There results will be: 1) quantitative, i.e., I will look how abundantly selected forms occur, and whether the detected differences are statistically significant, and 2) qualitative, i.e., I will go through the variability of the examples, to note the surroundings of the analysed expressions and other elements that have a connection with the distribution of the cases. Finally, based on the corpus results I will try to postulate some generalisations.
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