Publication details

Co nám brání představit si přijatelné budoucnosti? Úskalí imaginace sociálně-ekologické transformace

Title in English What holds us back from imagining an acceptable future? The pitfalls of imagining socio-ecological transformation


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords socio-ecological transformation; imagination; climate justice
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Description In this study, Marika Volfová and Mikuláš Černík explore the possibilities of imagining socio-economic transformation, based on an evaluation of a series of workshops they have conducted over the past years at several educational and artistic institutions. The author duo, who do not shy away from their activist background, start from a position in which we are not masters of our situation as individuals, but also as humanity. Through the unintended consequences of our actions, we are in some sense the originators of it, but also its creations. We are the result of the climate crisis and the associated changes that make us what we are now. Volfová and Černík are trying to stand up in this current that threatens to take down the whole of civilization, to hold hands and somehow put a human face on this great, directly geological becoming again and to direct it according to the ideas of an ideal future. But even imagining a just and sustainable society runs up against the old categories through which we are used to understanding the world.
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