Publication details

Revitalizace lučních mokřadů jinak: nová filozofie spolupráce s místními farmami

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Title in English Revitalizing meadow wetlands in a different way: a new philosophy of cooperation with local farms


Year of publication 2023
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KOTASOVÁ ADÁMKOVÁ, Marie. Revitalizace lučních mokřadů jinak: nová filozofie spolupráce s místními farmami (Revitalizing meadow wetlands in a different way: a new philosophy of cooperation with local farms). Praha: Asociace soukromého zemědělství ČR, 2023, p. 26-29. Selská revue, č. 4. ISSN 2533-3607.
Description By implementing the project, we wanted to show that in the field of caring for rare habitats, including wetlands, it is possible to cooperate advantageously at the level of experts, local governments and the agricultural public. Together with the local farm of the Valihrach family, we managed to turn the expanding reeds into a stable home for endangered and disappearing plants and animals, and a beautiful place for all of us to spend our free time.
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