Publication details

Per un canto di pace : Sulla frammentarietà degli "Inni alle Grazie" di Ugo Foscolo

Title in English As a song of Peace : On the fragments of Ugo Foscolo's "Inni alle Grazie"

VAGATA Daniela Shalom

Year of publication 2023
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description The paper investigates the idea of fragments inside Ugo Foscolo’s “Inni alle Grazie”. The poetic fragment appears to be intrinsic to the genre of ancient hymns adopted by Foscolo in his work. The paper also focuses on the presence of bucolic genre in “Inni alle Grazie”. This presence traces Foscolo’s peculiar interpretation of the history of Italian literature and also contributes to identify literary motives intertewined with the arts, making “Inni alle Grazie” a poem on the arts.
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