Publication details

Povinnosti státu při předcházení přírodním katastrofám a zavádění klimatických opatření (k rozsudku ESLP ve věci Aktürk a další proti Turecku)

Title in English Obligations of the State in Preventing Natural Disasters and Implementing Climate Change Measures (on The ECTHR Judgment in Aktürk and Others v Turkey)


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source České právo životního prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access článku
Keywords Europan Court of Human Rights; case law; positive obligation; natural disasters; climate change
Description This article provides a brief commentary on the recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) related to environmental protection: judgements decisions in cases Thibaut v. France (no. 41892/19, 41893/19), Solyanik v. Russia (no. 47987/15), Kotov and others v. Russia (no. 6142/18, 51015/18, 51020/18 et al.), Bumbe? v. Romania (no. 18079/15). A particular interest is paid to the judgement in case Aktürk v. Turkey (no. 16757/21) which provides guidance on obligations of the State in preventing natural disasters.

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