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Specifika vysílání pedagogických pracovníků základních veřejných škol na tuzemské pracovní cesty a určování podmínek těchto cest na podkladě typizovaných školních akcí

Title in English Specifics of Sending Pedagogical Workers of Primary Public Schools on Domestic Offcial Journeys and Determining the Conditions of These Official Journeys on the Basis of Typical School Events


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář Mu
Keywords pedagogical worker; official journey; public school
Attached files
Description The article deals with the sending of pedagogical workers of public primary schools on official journeys, which is done on the basis of typical school events. Focus is put on solving theoretical and practical problems.

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