Publication details

Aktuální možnosti terapie covidu-19 v roce 2023

Title in English Current options of covid-19 management in 2023


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Medicína pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web text publikace
Keywords SARS­-CoV-2; covid-19; therapeutic strategies; corticosteroids; antiviral medication
Description The overview article mostly deals with the most recent strategies and procedures in covid-19 treatment three years after its first occurrence. Emphasis is put on using this knowledge in medical practice. In the year 2023 the targeted therapy for SARS-CoV-2 infection is based on the results of robust randomized controlled studies. In out-patient setting, the most important is to evaluate whether home treatment is an option for the specific patient or if the patient should be sent for hospitalization. For patients treated in out-patient care with mild or moderate infection of covid-19, today we have perioral antiviral drugs nirmatrelvir/ritonavir and a molnupiravir. During hospitalization we usually administer remdesivir in intravenous form. The most severe cases of covid-19 with hypoxemic respiratory failure benefit from administration of corticosteroids. We must not forget the risk of thromboembolic complications at all patients. Key moment in fight against covid-19 was introduction of active immunization, since vaccination still shows very good protection against severe covid-19 infection and death.

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