Publication details

CZECRIN dětem - aneb příměstský tábor Juniorské akademie LF MU také na Farmakologickém ústavu

Title in English CZECRIN for children - or suburban camp of the Junior Academy of the Faculty of Medicine of the MU also at the Institute of Pharmacology


Year of publication 2023
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description During the third holiday week, a suburban camp was held on the premises of the university campus of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno for children in the second grade of elementary schools and multi-year high schools with an interest in medicine. On the first day, the campers looked at the Institute of Pharmacology, where they searched for the lost professor of pharmacology in an escape game. Kateřina Valentová from STROCZECH accompanied them through the program, and the missing professor was Prof. MD Dalibor Valík, Ph.D. Meeting professional doctors and medical students at each station was invaluable and inspiring for the campers! Whether they were engaged in fun games with a medical theme or more sports-oriented activities, building friendships and cooperation in the team was essential. They tried a variety of activities and visited places that only MU Faculty of Arts students usually get to. You can learn more about the camp program on the Junior Academy of the LF MU website.
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