Publication details

Content of selected toxical elements in the lunch portion taken in dining hall at Military University of the Ground Forces

Title in English Content of selected toxical elements in the lunch portion taken in dinning hall at Military University of the Ground Forces


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Źywienie człowieka i metabolizm. Polish Journal of Human Nutrition and Metabolism
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords lunch; toxical elements; polarografic analyzer
Description In the paper is undertaken chemical analyses of 13 assembly of luchches, which was sampled in dinning hall at Military University of the Ground Forces (VVŠ PV) in Vyškov. Intra-chemical analyses assembly of lanches was determined content of toxic elements of lead and cadmium by polorografic analyser. All observed values were in tolerance.

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