Publication details

Pathological findings associated with Dipetalonema spp. (Spirurida, Onchocercidae) infection in two species of Neotropical monkeys from Brazil


EHLERS Luiza Presser SLAVIERO Monica CINTIA De Lorenzo FAGUNDES-MOREIRA Renata KELIN de Souza Viviane PERLES Livia BAGGIO-SOUZA Vinicius BEZERRA-SANTOS Marcos Antonio MODRÝ David BENOVICS Michal PANZIERA Welden DRIEMEIER David PAVARINI Saulo Petinatti SOARES Joao Fabio OTRANTO Domenico SONNE Luciana

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Parasitology research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation EHLERS, Luiza Presser, Monica SLAVIERO, De Lorenzo CINTIA, Renata FAGUNDES-MOREIRA, de Souza Viviane KELIN, Livia PERLES, Vinicius BAGGIO-SOUZA, Marcos Antonio BEZERRA-SANTOS, David MODRÝ, Michal BENOVICS, Welden PANZIERA, David DRIEMEIER, Saulo Petinatti PAVARINI, Joao Fabio SOARES, Domenico OTRANTO and Luciana SONNE. Pathological findings associated with Dipetalonema spp. (Spirurida, Onchocercidae) infection in two species of Neotropical monkeys from Brazil. Parasitology Research. NEW YORK: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023, vol. 122, No 9, p. 1973-1982. ISSN 0932-0113. Available from:
Keywords Onchocercidae; Vector-borne nematodes; Filariasis; Alouatta guariba clamitans; Sapajus nigritus; Pathology
Description Among vector-borne helminths, filarioids of the genus Dipetalonema (Spirurida: Onchocercidae) localize in several tissues and body cavities of several animal species, causing mild to moderate lesions. The pathological findings associated with Dipetalonema spp. infection in Neotropical monkeys from southern Brazil are herein described, along with a fatal case due to filarial polyserositis and entrapment of an intestinal segment. At necropsy, nematodes were observed in abdominal and thoracic cavities, or in the pericardium of 37 (31.3%) out of the 118 individuals examined (i.e., 35 Alouatta guariba clamitans and two Sapajus nigritus). In addition, at histology, 27.0% of positive animals presented microfilarie (inside blood vessels of lung, spleen, liver, and brain) and 8.1% presented adult nematodes in the heart, lung, and liver. In two cases, cross-sections of filarioids were associated with areas of epicardial thickening with intense fibrosis and pyogranulomatous inflammation in the brain, heart, liver, lungs, or spleen. The DNA fragment was amplify using the cox1 gene, sequenced and analyzed to identify the nematode species collected; presence of Wolbachia was assessed in the filarioids using the 16S rRNA gene. At BLAST analysis of the cox1 gene, 10 sequences showed 91.7% nucleotide identity with Dipetalonema gracile, and two with D. gracile (98.5%) and Dipetalonema graciliformis (98.3%). Phylogenetic analyses clustered sequences of the cox1 obtained in this study in two clades corresponding with the host species. Wolbachia sp. endosymbiont was detected in four samples. Data herein reported provide a description of pathological lesions associated with the infection by Dipetalonema spp., suggesting that they may cause disease in Neotropical monkeys. In addition, a better understanding of diversity and biology of Dipetalonema spp. in South America is needed to assess the impact they may cause in native non-human primates from Brazil.

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