Publication details

L2 grammar-for-interaction : Functions of “and”-prefaced turns in L2 students’ collaborative talk

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TŮMA František KÄÄNTÄ Leila JAKONEN Teppo

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web DOI
Keywords classroom interaction; conversation analysis; L2 grammar-for-interaction; L2 interactional competence; multimodality; turn-initial particles
Description This article examines how second language (L2) inter-actional competence is manifested in students’ use of“and”-prefaced turns when doing meaning-focused oraltasks in pairs and small groups. Drawing on video record-ings from English-as-a-foreign-language upper-secondaryclasses recorded in Czechia and Finland, 86 sequencesinvolving “and”-prefaced turns were scrutinized usingmultimodal conversation analysis, focusing on language,gaze, and material resources. The findings suggest that byproducing “and”-prefaced turns, students orient to task pro-gression. These turns have two functions: task managerialand contribution to the emerging task answer. By usingtask-managerial “and”-prefaced turns, the current speakerinvites another student to participate, while in “and”-prefaced contributions to the task answer, a participantadds to, generalizes, or modifies the previous task answer.The analysis shows that students mobilized their L2 inter-actional competence in producing “and”-prefaced turnsin close coordination with embodied resources and withrespect to the spatio-material surroundings and the natureof the task. These findings contribute to the multimodalreconceptualization of the grammar–body interface andresearch on turn-initial particles within L2 interactionalcompetence.
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