Publication details

The instrumentalization of the "tortured artist myth": The birth of a legend of the völkisch writer Guido List



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords tortured artist myth ; völkisch movement ; Guido List ; Armanenorden ; modern esotericism ; neopagan movement ; personality cult
Description This article presents the legend about Guido List, an Austrian völkisch oriented writer, a typical instance of the "suffering-artist-myth". The crucial question then is: How is it possible that a thoroughly mediocre writer who under normal circumstances would have been long forgotten became a legend in the occult and right-wing movements in the 20th century, and moreover, maintains this status till nowadays? The article shows the role of List´s self-portraying and focuses on the instrumentalization of “the tortured artist myth” by him, his followers, but also in the contemporary neopagan and right-wing movement.

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