Publication details

Cooking loss in flank, rump, rib eye and striploin steaks The effect of cooking on eating quality parameters

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Convection oven; Multifunctional pan; Meat tenderness; Meat aging; Tenderisation
Description The aim of this study was to compare cooking losses in beef steaks (rib eye, striploin, rump and flank) prepared in different devices (convection oven, multifunctional pan, contact grill and gas grill) by broiling or grilling. The sensory properties of the meat and instrumental tenderness (Warner-Bratzler test) were also assessed by comparing individual types of steaks and methods of preparation (with or without tenderisation) and comparing the period (21 or 42 days) of wet aging of the cuts. The steaks lost an average of 14.1 to 34.1% of their weight during heat treatment. A higher proportion of losses was associated with a higher temperature at the core of the meat. The effect of aging on cooking losses was ambiguous. The results indicated, that the disruption of the protein fibrous structure caused by proteolysis, with the subsequent weakening of the contractions of the muscle fibres and intramuscular connective tissue during heat treatment, contributed also to the amount of cooking loss. The best results regarding the sensory properties were shown by steaks prepared in a multifunctional pan or in a convection oven.
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