Publication details

Žák/yně s odlišným mateřským jazykem v české škole - Jak na to?

Title in English A student with a different mother tongue in a Czech school - How to do it?


Year of publication 2023
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The year 2022 showed us how quickly an otherwise long-neglected topic such as the teaching of Czech as a foreign language can become one of the main topics. In the Czech Republic, for the first time, the number of foreigners living on our territory exceeded 1 million. In Czech schools, the number of children and pupils with a different mother tongue is increasing every year. However, the support they can achieve is not always sufficiently known. Let's discover together ways that enable us to learn new languages and cultures and at the same time pass on knowledge about the Czech language and culture.
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