Publication details

Sebehodnocení profesních kompetencí studentů učitelství: zkušenosti a výzvy

Title in English Self-Assessment of Professional Competencies of Student Teachers: Experiences and Challenges


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description A Student Teacher Professional Competence Standard (hereafter referred to as the Standard) is a tool for comprehensive formative self-assessment and evaluation of the professional competency level of student teachers (for primary and secondary schools), used at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, during their studies as part of pre-graduate professional training. The Standard allows student teachers to understand the demands of teaching quality and to monitor their own progress during teaching practices, and to systematically improve the level of their professional competencies in cooperation with mentor teachers. Self-assessment of student teachers with the support of the Standard is an important part of teaching practices that student teachers undertake in the subsequent master's degree, typically at the second level of elementary school during three consecutive semesters. Data from self-assessment allow us to gain insight into the professional growth of students and the specific criteria of self-assessment. The aim of the conference paper is to describe, a) which professional competencies of the Standard student teachers pay more/less attention to during teaching practices, b) in which competencies they achieve the greatest/least progress, and c) to discuss the limits of student teachers' self-assessment and the use of the tool in practice.

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