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Potřebujeme trestný čin zneužívání vlastnictví podle § 229 tr. zákoníku? Malá úvaha dekriminalizační v kontextu zásady subsidiarity trestní represe.

Title in English Do we need a crime of misappropriation of property under Section 229 of the Criminal Code? A small decriminalization consideration in the context of the principle of subsidiarity of criminal repression.


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ochrana vlastníckeho práva normami trestného práva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords crime; criminal code; misuse of property; subsidiarity of criminal repression; ultima ratio; foreign legislation;
Description The paper deals with the crime of misuse of property under Section 229 of the Criminal Code. It provides a de lege lata analysis of the facts of this offence and maps the historical development of its legal regulation. It also offers the perspective of application practice and case law and discusses selected foreign legal regulations. It reflects on the need for the existence of this offence in the context of the principle of subsidiarity of criminal repression and the principle of criminal law as ultima ratio and its possible decriminalisation.
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