Publication details

Two Previously Unedited Early Dynastic Incantations from CUSAS 32 1, Presumably against Scorpions


MOKRÝ Matouš

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Aula Orientalis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords sumerská magie; sumerská zaklínadla 3. tisíciletí; raně dynastické období; magie proti štírům
Description The article provides critical editions of Early Dynastic incantations CUSAS 32 1 d and i, whose functions were ascertained as being against scorpions and their poisonous attacks. Besides detailed philological commentary, the article also situates the spells into the context of broader 3rd-millennium Sumerian incantation tradition and discusses performative aspects of the texts.
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