Publication details

Česká zahraniční politika, její orientace, reflexe v českém veřejném mínění a doporučení pro komunikační strategii

Title in English Czech foreign policy, its orientation, reflection in Czech public opinion and recommendations for the communication strategy


Year of publication 2023
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The policy paper is one of the outputs of the project called "Identification and Application of Strategic Communication Tools in the Implementation of the Czech Foreign Policy Concept", which is being implemented in 2022-2024 (applied research project). The research on the reflection of Czech foreign policy in public opinion focuses primarily on issues related to the value and geopolitical orientation of Czech foreign policy. The analysis works with the following data sources: Primary sources in the form of key documents related to Czech foreign policy, primarily the 2015 Concept of Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic; secondary literature; available relevant data from public opinion polls published in the period since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in 2022 and focused on perceptions of Czech foreign policy and the Czech Republic's relations with selected global actors; qualitative data obtained on the basis of three focus groups conducted by Median agency in autumn 2022 in Jihlava, Olomouc and Ústí nad Labem for the needs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic; a questionnaire survey conducted on a representative sample of the Czech population in January and February 2023, for the purposes of this project only, focusing, among other things, on issues related to the value and geopolitical orientation of Czech foreign policy. In the final part, the policy paper focuses on the design of strategic communication on selected topics related to the orientation of Czech foreign policy.
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