Publication details

Manažeři, nebo sourozenci stvoření? České církve v roli hospodářů v krajině

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Title in English Managers or siblings of creation? Czech churches as stewards of the landscape


Year of publication 2023
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation PELIKÁN, Vojtěch. Manažeři, nebo sourozenci stvoření? České církve v roli hospodářů v krajině (Managers or siblings of creation? Czech churches as stewards of the landscape). In Barbora Spalová, Ivana Lukeš Rybanská a kol. Vize zdaru, vize zmaru : Proměny církví v Česku a na Slovensku v kontextu restitucí. Praha: Karolinum, 2023, p. 83-102. ISBN 978-80-246-5623-6.
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Description In the context of restitution, the churches - especially the Catholic one - are once again becoming stewards of the landscape. How are they dealing with this challenge? Do they see the managing of forests, fields and meadows essentially as an instrumental task, as a means of ensuring church economic operations, or is there a reflection in their approach about the specific role they should play? The chapter presents three communities that think about the role of 'good stewardship' in ecological and social terms as well.
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