Publication details

Die tschechische Geschichte und die tschechischen Jahre mit der Zahl acht

Title in English Czech history and the Czech years with the number eight

KNOZ Tomáš

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Löwe und Adler : Aspekte der böhmischen und mährischen Geschichte im europäischen Kontext
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Czech History; Central Europe; Middle Ages; Early Modern History; Modern History; Historiography; Czech-Liechtenstein Relations
Description The region of the Czech lands is often perceived as a place where not only the cultures of southern and northern Europe, but especially the cultures of the European West and East have continuously clashed. The chapter provides an analysis of the role of the Czech lands in Central European and European history from the early Middle Ages to the present. It attempts to capture the essential context. In doing so, it draws attention to one of the most significant historical stereotypes - the Czech 'Eight Years'. At the same time, he also notes the Czech-Liechtenstein relations in the individual historical stages.

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