Publication details

Frege, pravda a realismus umění

Title in English Frege, truth and the realism of art

NIEDERLE Rostislav

Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description It is not infrequently said that a literary work is true, and that its truth is its value. What is being claimed? Does the work correspond descriptively to the state of the world, correspondentially? This paper starts from Gottlob Frege's argument that the meaning of an empirical expression of natural language does not concern the actual world, and thus not truth understood as the correspondence of a given expression and its corresponding fact. This semantic lesson opens up a wide space for the notions of truth and realism in the theory of literary interpretation. The paper critiques various possible answers to the question of the truth of art and finds the Heideggerian answer - paradoxically at first sight - to be the best possible one.
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