Publication details

Zpráva o předčasném ukončení klinické studie TENSION

Title in English Early Termination Report TENSION clinical study

DEMLOVÁ Regina JANSKÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2023
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description o The TENSION clinical study is a two-arm, randomized study that compares safety and effectiveness of endovascular thrombectomy as compared to best medical care alone in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke in patients with extended stroke lesions defined by an ASPECTS score of 3-5 and in an extended time window. Recruitment in the study was terminated early due to positive results from other clinical trials and results of the interim analysis of TENSION. 251 patients in 40 centers across European countries were randomized. The sponsor of the study is the University of Heilderberg in Germany and 4 centers participate in the study in the Czech Republic.

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