Publication details

Česká, (okr. Brno-venkov). "Pod Újezdem". Kultura s lineární keramikou

Title in English Česká cadastral area, (Brno-Country District). "Pod Újezdem" field. Linear Pottery cultureture


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Přehled výzkumů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords disc-shaped; mace head; serpentinised peridotite; symbolic meaning; Brno-Country District
Description An elogated disc-shaped mace head made of serpentinised peridotite was found during a surface survey carried out in 2021 in "Pod Újezdem" field (Česká cadastral area, Brno-Country District). The find is a polished artefact, most probably with a symbolic meaning of power and dates to the period of the Linear Pottery culture. Locality of the find is situated on prehistorical route, so-called Trstěnická route. Probably it belogs to a polycultural settlements archaeologically studied in yr. 1983 ca 50 m eastwards. This fragmented disc was mineralogically studied in detail. The study proved the disc is not made of western Moravia serpentince localities, but from yet unknown distant deposit.

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