Publication details

The consonantal shifts in Germanic and Armenian and clusters of obstruent + t



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sprache & Sprachen.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Armenian; consonantal shift; Germanic; obstruent clusters
Description The paper focusses on the consonantal shifts in Germanic and Armenian in clusters of obstruent + t. If we compare the development of the peripheral plosive1 clusters in both Indo-European branches, we see that such Proto-Germanic clusters were not subject to the spirantization of the final t, unlike those of Proto-Armenian. This development leads us to assume that the Proto- Germanic peripheral plosive clusters were spirantized already before the shift itself appeared, in contrast to the Proto-Armenian clusters, which were spirantized as a complex unit by the Lautverschiebung without any previous spirantization.
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