Publication details

Doporučení České společnosti nemocniční epidemiologie a hygieny pro prevenci a kontrolu onemocnění COVID-19 v provozu lůžkového zdravotnického zařízení

Title in English Recommendations of the Czech society of hospital epidemiology and hygiene for COVID-19 prevention and control in inpatient medical care settings


Year of publication 2023
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The publication contains expert recommendations for barrier measures in hospitalized patients with suspected or proven COVID-19 disease and for ensuring anti-epidemic measures in inpatient healthcare facilities, approved and published by the Czech Society of Hospital Epidemiology and Hygiene. The recommendation refers to the currently prevalent variant of SARS-CoV-2 in the Czech Republic - omicron. The main purpose of the recommendation is to provide support to healthcare professionals and hospital management in the preparation and implementation of their own internal measures.

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