Publication details

Rozšíření a transport pesticidů v oblasti vodního zdroje Hrobice-Čeperka a Oplatil II

Title in English Distribution and transport of pesticides in the Hrobice-Ceperka and Oplatil II water resource area


Year of publication 2023
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description *Excessive concentrations of some pesticides are detected in groundwater withdrawn from the water resources of Ceperka-Hrobice and Oplatil II. The obtained results of area sampling allow characterisation of the area distribution and temporal evolution of pesticides. For further operation of water resources it is important to identify the likely sources of pesticides in groundwater and to estimate the further evolution of their concentrations. For this reason, a transport model was constructed to simulate both the distribution of pesticides to date and predictions of their possible future development.

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