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Formování strukturních bariér primárního kořene hrachu pod vlivem naproxenu a změn hladin fytohormonů

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Title in English Formation of structural barriers in the pea primary root under naproxen stress and changes in phytohormone levels


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2023 - Sborník recenzovaných vědeckých prací)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords NSAID; root system; Casparian strips; suberin lamellae; phytohormones;
Description Naproxen (NPX; 0.1 to 10 mg/L) can stimulate the formation of structural barriers. Primary root of pea plants under NPX treatment exhibited an earlier formation of Casparian strips (CS) and a deposition of suberin lamellae (SL) in endodermis closer to the apex. Structural barrier formation under NPX treatment can be influenced indirectly by auxin-supported cell division and differentiation and directly by abscisic acid-induced SL deposition as proved by the higher portion of endodermal cells with SL in the primary root base. The earlier modification of endodermis in plant roots can participate to limit the drug uptake and transfer and maintain the homeostasis of the plant.
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