Publication details

Pilotní design vysvědčení pro 1. a 2. stupeň ZŠ

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Title in English Pilot design of report cards for primary and lower secondary school


Year of publication 2023
Type Research and development projects
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description A report card template was created for grades 1 and 2 of primary school. The design team started from the premise that the primary purpose of assessment is to support pupils' learning and development. The innovated report card fulfils the function of summative assessment - it provides information about the level of pupils' achievement and behaviour in a specific period in relation to the learning objectives, and at the same time it contains a formative component. Formative assessment provides verbal feedback on the pupil's learning process, performance and recommendations for further development. At the same time, it serves for the pupil's self-reflection and further development. Emphasizing the formative component on report cards supports work with formative learning throughout the school year, as well as work with criteria and scales so that students and parents become familiar with them. The redesigned report card fulfills three basic assessment requirements: assessment for learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. The final version of the pilot report card design for Primary 1 and 2 is presented under the name Report Cards Different and has a total of six pages. It now comes with a full page for behavioural (competency) assessment and a full page for pupil self-assessment.
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