Publication details

Definice mezi pojetím αληθεια a veritas jako téma filosofie výchovy na příkladu informační gramotnosti

Title in English The Definition Between ??????? And Veritas As A Topic Of Philosophy Of Education On The Example Of Information Literacy

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Paidagogos
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Heidegger; Palouš; Průcha; definition; truth; philosophy of education; processuality; phenomenology; experiential realism.
Description The study analyses two concepts of access to truth as Heidegger constructs them – ??????? and veritas. It translates their analysis into the definition process in the sciences of education. It shows that definition as a precise and permanent delineation of a phenomenon or category may be a practical activity, but it is hardly scientific. Using the example of the gradual transformation of self-definition of the concept of information literacy, the study concludes that the definition is not permanent but rather a practical communicative preunderstanding that can be put before us as a stimulus for deeper analysis. Definitions (like truth) have the dimension of a dynamically changing structure responding to the environment in which they are embedded. This aspect has to be taken into account in a fundamental way in the construction of concepts of the philosophy of education and pedagogy.

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