Publication details

Workshop zaměřený na způsoby a zákonitosti využití pilotního designu vysvědčení (TL05000360-V3)

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Title in English Workshop on ways and patterns of using the pilot certificate design (TL05000360-V3)


Year of publication 2023
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Jana, Michaela SPURNÁ, Hana HORKÁ and Jarmila BRADOVÁ. Workshop zaměřený na způsoby a zákonitosti využití pilotního designu vysvědčení (TL05000360-V3) (Workshop on ways and patterns of using the pilot certificate design (TL05000360-V3)). 2023.
Description The workshop was organized as part of the TACR project.The agenda of the workshop included a presentation of the innovative report card with a description of its development and implementation; research results; assessment areas and criteria; and the benefits and risks of using the new report card. The stories of schools involved in the development and implementation of the report card were presented. It included a panel discussion focusing on key issues related to the implementation of the report card in practice.
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