Publication details

Instruct-ERIC Best Practices in CryoEM Workshop



Year of publication 2023
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Description The workshop was intended for EM facility scientists, managers, and experts from both academia and industry to discuss and share best practices concerning cryo-EM facility operation. The sessions contained presentations on sample preparation and data management strategies. A round table discussion complemented each session to facilitate sharing the experience and brainstorm future directions and needs. The Several topics will be disscussed through the workshop: Advanced robotic platforms for Cryo-EM sample preparation. New strategies to improve sample preparation for cryo-EM (sample purification and time-resolved cryo-EM). Preparation in single particle cryoEM for improved sample quality and time-resolved studies. Delivering more routine sample optimization for cryo-EM with chameleon Cryo-EM data management and real-time processing with Smart EPU and Tomo Live Data management possibilities for Cryo-EM facilities within EOSC. Visit the facilities of EM producers in Brno.
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