Publication details

Blessing or curse? Unfair Competition in Czech copyright enforcement and its impacts on platform liability and public domain



Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description This submission delves into the intricate interplay between safe harbor protection, platform liability, and the emerging use of unfair competition claims in the Czech Republic. These claims serve as an additional layer of copyright protection, potentially extending its scope. Of particular concern is their impact on the public domain. The study investigates the application of unfair competition in Czech copyright enforcement and its implications for both copyright and the public domain. It reveals a growing trend of unfair competition complementing copyright enforcement, upsetting the delicate balance of copyright. The submission critically examines unfair competition claims in the Czech context, particularly the Hellspy case, offering three arguments against its conclusions. In addition to arising from a flawed legal analysis, the unfair competition claims appear unconvincing since they utilize the same economic rationale that underpins the system they aim to circumvent. Ultimately, these claims constitute an external approach to copyright, thereby disturbing the delicate equilibrium of the copyright framework.
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