Publication details

Where Have All the ‘Exiters’ Gone? Contextualising the Concept of Hard Euroscepticism

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Year of publication 2025
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Common Market Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web article - open access
Keywords Central and Eastern Europe; Czexit; hard Euroscepticism; Huxit; Polexit; Slovexit
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Description The article analyses the impact of Brexit on hard Eurosceptic discourses in the Visegrád Group countries from 2015 to 2023. As the negative implications of Brexit for the UK economy became clear, many hard Eurosceptics softened their rhetoric, using the referendum as a proxy for a ‘hard’ exit. Whilst the classical soft–hard typology remains dominant amongst scholars in the study of Euroscepticism, the case of Brexit shows that long-term principled opposition to the European Union (EU) can hide behind equivocal rhetoric. The article suggests studying the changing tactics of Eurosceptics by matching current EU and domestic contexts together with the long-term points of departure of hard Eurosceptics.
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