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Naše cesta k novému vysvědčení - změny ve škole z pohledu ředitelky školy

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Title in English Our way to a new school report - changes in the school from the headmistress's point of view


Year of publication 2023
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation RAISEROVÁ, Martina. Naše cesta k novému vysvědčení - změny ve škole z pohledu ředitelky školy (Our way to a new school report - changes in the school from the headmistress's point of view). In Třídní učitel a vedení třídy. Praha: Život bez závislostí, 2023, p. 25-28. ISSN 2570-8279.
Description The primary school Střílky represents one of the schools which cooperated with the Faculty of Education MU on the TAČR project "Vysvědčení JINAK". It is a school which has been implementing formative assessment. In this article, the steps to formative assessment, its benefits and difficulties are introduced from the headmistress's point of view.
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