Publication details

Stories from an unfinished prototype: a seemingly never-ending loop of practice and research



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of IASDR 2023: Life-changing Design Editors
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Web DRS Digital Library
Keywords prototyping; interactive digital narrative; tangible narrative; The Non-myth of The Noble RedDOI
Attached files
Description This pictorial focuses on the role prototyping played within the author’s latest research on tangible narratives exemplified in the design case of [Project’s title removed for review]. The pictorial illustrates the ongoing process of prototyping this design case. It discusses the challenges and insights gained from it, among them, the importance of accounting ergonomic principles when prototyping artefacts, embracing the physical properties of working materials during the prototyping process, considering the potential pitfalls of relying too heavily on technical knowledge, and the importance of compartmentalizing and prioritizing during the ideation process. Finally, the pictorial concludes with an analisis on the role played by the action of prototyping and the importance of the continuous dialogue between the designer/researcher and the artefacts created.

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