Publication details

Additional pedagogical education: Does It mean difference?


FICO Martin

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Living and Leading in the Next Era: Connecting Teaching, Research, Citizenship and Equity
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords additional pedagogical education; self-efficacy; perceived prestige; quantitative research
Description The paper aims to present partial results of longitudinal research focused on teachers completing their qualification through additional pedagogical education that is required in the Czech Republic. The main research question is how additional pedagogical education is reflected in teachers’ self-efficacy and perceived prestige of the profession. In this research, self-efficacy is measured by an adapted and piloted version of NTSES and perceived prestige by own developed scale. The research sample consists of participants of additional pedagogical education in seven departments in the Czech Republic. Measurement was done in every group twice – at the beginning of their study and at the end of their study. Results showed that additional pedagogical education does not have a significant increase in teacher self-efficacy and perceived prestige, but the limits of the research sample and other factors are discussed. These results are compared with results of pilot testing, which showed that absolvents of classical university teachers’ education have higher selfefficacy than alumni of additional pedagogical education.

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