Publication details

Diagnostika dyslexie s využitím eye-trackingu a umělé inteligence - souhrnná výzkumná zpráva

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Title in English Diagnostics of Dyslexia Using Eye-Tracking and Artificial Intelligence - Research Report


Year of publication 2023
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Web projektu
Description The comprehensive research report details the workflow and results of the scientific part of the project. A key part of the research report is the presentation of the project objectives, a detailed description of each step related to the content part of the DYSLEX platform, as well as training classification models and analyzing eye-tracking data using several artificial intelligence approaches. The project "Diagnostics of Dyslexia Using Eye-Tracking and Artificial Intelligence" also involved intensive work on creating a comprehensive diagnostic platform DYSLEX. A detailed technological description of this platform is available in the Professional Report for the year 2023 and in the Manual for the DYSLEX Diagnostic Platform. The manual also includes more information on the administration of individual tasks and the overall procedure for diagnosing dyslexia using the DYSLEX platform.
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