Publication details

Filozofie edukace jako reflexe společnosti: analýza krize modernity v románech Murakamiho a Houellebecqa

Title in English Philosophy of education as a reflection of society: An analysis of the crisis of modernity in the novels of Murakami and Houellebecq

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords philosophy of education; modernity; modernity society; happiness; spirituality
Description The study analyses through Petříček‘s philosophical interpretation of literary texts the novel texts of two authors – Murakami and Houellebecq – to identify the elements of the crisis of modernity. The study names the individual themes that need to be conceived in a new way in educating about Latour‘s thesis that our society is modern, not authentically, but only externally. The different aspects of the crisis of modernity are analysed within the framework of the philosophy of education. In this way, nine sub-themes are interpreted – Magic, Food, Stay, Adequacy, Corporeality, Crisis of Certainty, Crisis of Technicalized Society, Crisis of Happiness, and Crisis of Spirituality. The study shows that if education is to serve as a hermeneutic toolkit for living in the world, some of its approaches or concepts need to be rethought or re-reflected.

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