Publication details

Vybrané kapitoly z neurochirurgie pro studenty lékařské fakulty

Title in English Selected chapters in neurosurgery

SMRČKA Martin PŘIBÁŇ Vladimír FADRUS Pavel

Year of publication 2024
Type Textbook
Description The aim of this group of authors is to provide basic information on neurosurgery including its dynamically developing subspecialties at an undergraduate level. In the introductory section, basic examination procedures, neurointensive care and pathophysiological processes are discussed from a neurosurgeon's perspective. This is followed by a special chapter on congenital developmental defects, mainly in pediatric patients, and a chapter on hydrocephalus. In a special section, the authors discuss the various subspecialties of neurosurgery-traumatology, neuro-oncology, vascular neurosurgery, spondylo-surgery, inflammation, and the peripheral nervous system. In addition to basic neurosurgical surgical procedures, a special chapter is devoted to stereotaxy and functional neurosurgery. The text includes pictorial documentation for better clarity. The authors of the chapters in the special section devoted to individual subspecialties are experts who have been working on these topics for a long period. The scripts are a comprehensive and reliable source of information for students of general medicine in preparation for their profession, and we believe that they can also be useful for those interested in neurosurgery in postgraduate training.

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