Publication details

Úvahy nad připravovaným rozšířením návrhové legitimace (nejen) nejvyššího státního zástupce ve správním soudnictví

Title in English Reflections on the proposed extension of the legal standing of (not only) the Attorney General in the administrative justice

HEJČ David

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords administrative justice; attorney general; public interest; measures of a general nature
Description The article focuses on the current proposal of one of the amendments to the Administrative Procedure Code, which is to extend the circle of persons actively legitimated to file a petition for the annulment of an unlawful measure of a general nature or a part thereof also to the Attorney General. The article deals with this prepared extension of the attorney general's legal standing to protect the public interest in the administrative justice system.
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