Publication details

Hranice Čech a Moravy v myslích lidí i v krajině

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Title in English Bohemian-Moravian boundary in people’s minds and the landscape


Year of publication 2024
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Although the Czech lands as territorial administrative units ceased to exist at the end of 1948, the Bohemian-Moravian boundary remains in people's minds to this day, albeit often in an altered location due to the existence of current administrative regions (kraje) that do not respect historical land boundaries. In the landscape, especially in the forests at higher altitudes, we can still come across material relics (especially border stones) of this centuries-old boundary. The lecture presents selected results of research on the perception of the boundary between Bohemia and Moravia by the residents of the Bohemian-Moravian borderland as well as the project "Reconstruction of the running of Bohemian-Moravian historical land boundary and mapping of boundary markers for the purpose of their declaration as a cultural monument". It also outlines current and future tourist use of this historical boundary.
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