Publication details

Moderní analýza biologických dat. 4. díl. Analýza času do události a další metody v prostředí R

Title in English Modern analysis of biological data. 4. Time to event analysis and other methods in R

PEKÁR Stanislav BRABEC Marek

Year of publication 2024
Type Textbook
Description This book complements the previous three volumes with additional regression models, namely parametric and semiparametric models for time-to-event analysis, regression trees, and selected multivariate methods such as PCA or LDA. The text can be used as a practical guide to data analysis in R. It is composed of 20 sample examples that have been solved and commented on, and which aim to both introduce the relevant method and highlight problems the reader may encounter when analyzing his or her own data. The text is written in simple language and is understandable to readers with a biology background. The book is aimed primarily at students and colleagues from the biological sciences, but also from the veterinary, medical and pharmaceutical disciplines.

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