Publication details

Formovanie budúcnosti pediatrickej zdravotnej starostlivosti: virtuálna realita v starostlivosti o popáleniny a rehabilitácii

Title in English Shaping the future of pediatric healthcare: virtual reality in burn care and rehabilitation


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pediatrie pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords virtual reality; pediatric burns; rehabilitation
Description Virtual reality (VR) represents a breakthrough in pediatric burn care, providing in- novative solutions not only in acute treatment, but also in rehabilitation. Distractive therapy, a proven psychological phenomenon, underlies the effectiveness of VR. Scientific studies have consistently confirmed that immersive VR experiences can divert a child's attention from painful procedures, thus reducing the perceived intensity of pain. VR also serves as an important non-pharmacological adjunct that is aligned with evidence-based approaches and provides sci- entifically-based alternative and complementary treatment to pharmacological pain management strategies. Scientific studies in children undergoing burn rehabilitation demonstrate that VR-supported exercises contribute to improving range of motion, coordination, and functional outcomes. The adaptability of VR applications allows the creation of personalized rehabilitation plans tailored to the individual needs of each child. Our goal was primarily to introduce recent works regarding the use of VR in the care of patients with burns, particularly in wound care and rehabilitation after burns, and to highlight their implications in the context of the impact of VR as an adjunct to pharmacological treatment for pain reduction.

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