Publication details

Anti-striptýz: Feministické tendence v akční tvorbě za železnou oponou.

Title in English Anti-strip: Feminist Tendencies in Performance Art Behind the Iron Curtain.


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The goal of the contribution is to present the action work of two important female artists creating in the same time, but based on the different cultural and political contexts of the time socialist countries of Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Czech artist Soňa Švecová worked mostly together with a significant group of action and conceptual artists creating sub on behalf of the Aktual movement, within the framework of which the 2nd manifestation of current art from 1965 carried out outdoor performance. Her main content was the slow undressing of the artist in front of her eyes participants of the event and is usually interpreted on a ritual level. I would like a performance by Švecová analyzed as an act of empowerment of the female artist creating in a patriarchal society and at the same time as an attempt to overturn the power dynamics within the art world at the time. With similar the Hungarian poet and performer of Yugoslav origin consciously worked with the principles Katalin Ladik, who shocked the then Hungarian art scene in 1968 reciting his own poetry naked. This simple gesture evolved into a series of complex ones performances with strong feminist undertones dealing with the theme of undressing and nudity and drawing attention to the objectification of the female body. In Czechoslovakia and Hungary in the 1960s and 1970s at the same time, there is no active debate on gender issues and the concept of feminism is rather unknown and clearly associated with Western discourse at the time. I suggest in my post perceive the work of both artists from an anachronistic position informed by contemporary feminism and thereby revealing the mechanisms behind the percolation of gender themes in artistic creation socialism, which to this day is perceived as a feminist vacuum society.
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