Publication details

Právní ochrana moravských vinic

Title in English Legal protection of Moravian vineyards


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Terra Vineatica II. Kultura vinohradnictví a vína ve středoevropském prostoru
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords ius montium; vineyards; vineyard registers; wine-growing culture
Description The paper presents current findings in the field of legal protection of Moravian vineards. It traces its development in the Middle Ages and the early modern period. The attention is focused on the summary of legal regulations on vineyards valid in the territory of Moravia. The gradual romanization of legal culture in the Czech lands left numerous traces in the specific area of wine rights. It developed in our territory under the influence of two factors: an influx of experienced winegrowers from the Lower Austrian cultural region - Weinviertl - and increased surplus wine production for princely estates. Especially the intensive wine production required adequate legal protection of the vineyards, as well as increased care for their prosperity. The report notes the influences behind the development of written wine law. Its transformations in the early modern era culminated in the codification of vineyard law. In addition, it reflects the cultural overlap of written law and the importance of vineyards´protection, often leading to the conclusion of truces during medieval skirmishes.

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