Žáci základní školy v informační společnosti
Title in English | Secondary school pupils in an information society |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2024 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí, 42. mezioborový seminář |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Keywords | questionnaire; digital technology; information society; behavioral dependence; prevention; risk; television; leisure; research; secondary school; health; pupil |
Description | The main objective of the research was to find out the attitudes of the secondary school pupils to modern information and communication technologies, frequency and the way they were used. Furthermore, the investigation focused on typical ways of digesting personal leave, meeting of pupils with risky manifestations in cyberspace, their reaction and the function of parental control. The design of a quantitative study was chosen using an anonymous questionnaire form compiled on the basis of professional sources. Answers were obtained from 500 respondents. The EpiInfo software package was used for the data statistical analysis, to analyze the work hypotheses Chi-quadrate test. The research sample consisted of 8 secondary schools in the area of South Moravia, recruiting was carried out by the snowball sampling method. The whole ensemble was 47 % represented by boys and 53 % of the girl. Dominated pupils with better school results (90 %), pupils of the 6th grade represented 12 % of the sample, pupils of the 7 th grade fifth, pupils of the 8 th and 9 th grades two thirds. Respondents most often spend their free time individually, less visiting hobby or sport groups. One third communicates with friends on social networks, a third meets friends in person, the rest spends personal leave alone or with the family. More than a tenth of pupils watch TV every day, on Saturdays and Sundays, one fifth is regularly watching TV, one free day of more than a third. The total TV watching time in the week is 6–10 hours for more than a third of the ensemble, for 30 % 11-15 hours, for a fifth of 16 and more hours. Pupils prefer action and sci-fi movies. For entertainment, a fifth of pupils use the computer a day, almost two-thirds for most of the week. The total time spent on a computer is evenly divided into groups for 2–3 hours, 3–4 hours, 4–5 hours or more. More than 40 % of the ensemble communicates on social networks, almost a quarter play games, one fifth surfs the Internet, a tenth watches the video. Daily 80 % of users are in social network environment, half of the pupils contact unknown users too. Cyberbullying met every twentieth pupil, the attacks were used by mocking texts or photographs. Regular parental inspection takes place for only 16 % of pupils, in a tenth it is not used at all. Several times a month, 8 % of the sample will play on slot machines, 1 % regularly several times a week. In the case of meeting with defective content on the Internet, less than a tenth of the addressed are advised with parents or teachers, a third with peers, more than half do not solve this situation in any way. A fifth of pupils often encounter the risk content on the web, and the boys are much more common. The time spent by pupils on computer activities does not differ significantly according to their school results, similarly the level of parental supervision according to the age of pupils. Pupils most often spend their free time in an individual way, less organized, a third uses communication with virtual friends, a third meet with friends personally. One third spends watching TV within a week of 16 or more hours. Most pupils serve the computer to entertain a substantial part of the week. A third of pupils deal with computer activities 5 hours a day or more, most often communicate on social networks, half with unknown users. Every twentieth pupil has already met cyberbullying, about every thirtieth bullied someone. Regular parental inspection takes place only for less than a fifth of the ensemble, and a tenth is completely missing. Approximately every tenth pupil will play on the slot machine at least several times a month. Fault content on the web pupils mainly solve with peers, half completely ignore it. It is desirable more consistent media education in the family and school, more frequent and intensive parental supervision of pupils in the use of modern technologies. |
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