Publication details

Le séisme de Lisbonne et sa représentation dans l'œuvre littéraire de Voltaire (une vision philosophique)

Title in English The Lisbon earthquake and its representation in Voltaire's literary works (a philosophical vision)


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aim of this lecture was to show how the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 affected the concept of natural disasters as physical evils. Voltaire's reaction to the earthquake reopened the question of the origin of physical evils, which had already been explored by Leibniz. Another major philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, began a discussion with Voltaire on this subject. This paper presented the chronological development of Voltaire's and Rousseau's philosophical views on the Lisbon earthquake and how their conclusions remain relevant today.

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